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Torque Chart for Oilheads

Torque Data Chart

by Stephen Karlan (Dali Meeow)  –

I found some of this information on my BMW mechanic’s wall; I needed the rest
as I tuned and massaged my R1100. It applies to all oilheads and I hope you find it useful.
A downloadable PDF file can be found here.

BMW Boxer Data, English,
R1100RT / R1100RS / R1100GS / R1100R / R850R

Designation Data Unit or Spec.
Engine (incl. filter) 4 qt.
Engine (w/out filter) 3.7 qt.
Gearbox fresh fill 1.1 qt.
Gearbox change 0.85 qt.
Rear wheel drive fresh fill
(Differential) change
Valve clearance measured cold, Intake
Valve clearance measured cold, Exhaust
in.  (max 35-deg. C.)
Spark plugs electrode gap 0.032 in.
Bosch FR5DTC limit of wear 0.04 in.
Engine Idle Speed 1000 +/- 150 rpm
CO value without catalytic converter 1.5 +/- 0.5 Vol %
Cable adjustment –
for increased cold starting speed
without cable junction
with cable junction
< 0.04
no backlash
in. play
Throttle (without cable junction)
gas cable (one piece)
connecting cable
ca. 0.02
no backlash
in. play
Throttle (with cable junction)
gas cable (one piece)
junction cable
ca. 0.02
no backlash
in. play
Clutch cable adjustment at lever 0.28 in.
wire cable at handle bar lever 0.48 in.

Tightening torques
These have been converted from Nm (Newton meters) to the nearest 0.5 (foot pounds) by dividing Nm by 1.355.
Designation Data Unit or Spec.
Oil Filter 8
Engine oil drain plug 23.5
Gearbox oil drain plug 17
Rear wheel drive oil drain plug 17
Locknut valve adjust 6
Cylinder head cover 6
Generator to bracket 14.5
Tension multiple ripped belt (Poly-V) 6
Spark plugs 14.5
Fuel tank to rear frame 16
Fuel pump to tank 4.5
Adjustable handle bars 14.5
Quick release axle thread (axial) 22
Quick release axle clamp 16
Brake caliper — front / rear 29.5
Bearing bolt swingarm to gearbox / rear axle
(Locktite 2701)
Idler bearing pinon on swinging arm on
gearbox / rear wheel drive (Locktite 2701)
Locknut (Locktite 2701) 77.5
Rear wheel retaining studs 77.5
Tube clips to air intake pipe 1.5
Screw connect spring strut on control arm
(RS with side bearing)
M 10 Screw 29.5
Tighten cylinder head — done only at 600 miles, four nuts, do one nut at a time, loosen nut and torque to 15 ft. lb., then turn nut an additional 180 degrees (called torsion angle)

— Dali Meeow’s additional data — metric and English
Designation Data Unit or Spec.
Gap between lower rocker arm bearing carrier and rocker arm (manual pp.11.40) 0.05 – 0.40 mm
(Adjust to the minimum gap for much quieter engine) .002 – .016 in.
Torque for T45 torx screws on the lower rocker arm bearing carrier 18 Nm 13

BMW Boxer Data, Metric,
R1100RT / R1100RS / R1100GS / R1100R / R850R

Designation Data Unit or Spec.
Engine (incl. filter) 3.75 liter
Engine (w/out filter) 3.5 liter
Gearbox fresh fill 1.0 liter
Gearbox change 0.8 liter
Rear wheel drive fresh fill
(Differential) change
Valve clearance measured cold, Intake
Valve clearance measured cold, Exhaust
mm  (max 35-deg. C.)
Spark plugs electrode gap 0.8 mm
Bosch FR5DTC limit of wear 1.0 mm
Engine Idle Speed 1000 +/- 150 rpm
CO value without catalytic converter 1.5 +/- 0.5 Vol %
Cable adjustment –
for increased cold starting speed
without cable junction
with cable junction
< 1
no backlash
mm play
Throttle (without cable junction)
gas cable (one piece)
connecting cable
ca. 0.5
no backlash
mm play
Throttle (with cable junction)
gas cable (one piece)
junction cable
ca. 0.5
no backlash
mm play
Clutch cable adjustment at lever 7.0 mm
wire cable at handle bar lever 12.0 mm

Tightening torques
Designation Data Unit or Spec.
Oil Filter 11 Nm
Engine oil drain plug 32 Nm
Gearbox oil drain plug 23 Nm
Rear wheel drive oil drain plug 23 Nm
Locknut valve adjust 8 Nm
Cylinder head cover 8 Nm
Generator to bracket 20 Nm
Tension multiple ripped belt (Poly-V) 8 Nm
Spark plugs 20 Nm
Fuel tank to rear frame 22 Nm
Fuel pump to tank 6 Nm
Adjustable handle bars 20 Nm
Quick release axle thread (axial) 30 Nm
Quick release axle clamp 22 Nm
Brake caliper — front / rear 40 Nm
Bearing bolt swingarm to gearbox / rear axle
(Locktite 2701)
150 Nm
Idler bearing pinon on swinging arm on
gearbox / rear wheel drive (Locktite 2701)
7 Nm
Locknut (Locktite 2701) 105 Nm
Rear wheel retaining studs 105 Nm
Tube clips to air intake pipe 2 Nm
Screw connect spring strut on control arm
(RS with side bearing) 8.8 screw
43 Nm
M 10 Screw 40 Nm
Tighten cylinder head — done only at 600 miles, four nuts, do one nut at a time, loosen nut and torque to 20 Nm., then turn nut an additional 180 degrees (called torsion angle)

— Dali Meeow’s Additional Data, Metric & English

Metric bolt sizing. Full designation would be written as M10 x 1.5 x (Lgt. in mm ex. 30). M10 bolts like our Course & Fine series have four different, common pitches. Pitch is the distance from crest to crest of the threads in mm. Course, is 1.5 mm pitch, Medium is 1.25 (common pitch for spark plugs) Fine is 1 mm and XFine is .75.

American bolt sizes are normally called by Dia. and TPI ie: 1/4 x 20 x Lgth. The 20 is in Threads per Inch or TPI. In US the pitch is the distance crest to crest of the threads and is normally given as 0.XXX”. Actually not usually given unless included in a specification drawing. Information courtesy of Bill ‘Bing’ Bingham

Valve Adjust Data:

Gap between lower rocker arm bearing carrier and rocker arm (manual pp. 11.40) 0.05 – 0.40 mm  (Adjust to the minimum gap for much quieter engine) .002 – .016 in.

Torque for T45 torx screws on the lower rocker arm bearing carrier is 18 Nm or 13

The author has done his best to produce accurate information. However no responsibility can be accepted for any damage or injury caused by any errors or omissions in this article. Make certain that you understand what is described and why it is being done. Use at your own risk.

Comments, corrections and questions may be directed to
Stephen Karlan (Dali Meeow) at (305) 255-1010
or via email at
Updated Novemmber 23, 2004.

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