From: Ed Benson <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 12:06:37 EST
As a less expensive alternative to a “Wrist Wrest” or Throttlemeister, consider this:
A simple o-ring stretched between the throttle twist-grip and it’s housing provides just enough friction to mimic a throttle friction screw. I leave a small portion of the o-ring stretched over the grip to provide for easy removal, if desired. I had a tray of old o-rings from which to choose, but a trip to a hardware store could provide you with several to experiment with for about 10¢ each.
It’s completely “transparent” in use – the throttle moves easily, yet stays where it is when released.
Voni Glaves indicates she discovered the same trick when a red hair “thingee” accidentally slid between the grip and the housing.
See the photo (on a K1200RS): Note: That’s bicycle handlebar tape wrapped around the grip. It makes the grip just a little larger (I have big hands) and seems to help the heated grips retain their heat.
I don’t claim this as an original idea – I saw it first on someone’s website. I don’t recall the site, but would be glad to give credit where credit is due if the originator speaks up.
Fast Eddie (Ed Benson – Cooper City, FL)
From: Voni Glaves <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 19:43:34 -0600
Fast Eddie wrote:
> It works. It’s cheap. It’s almost elegant.
> It’s “simple by choice.” It pleases me.
And I found a similar fix accidently. One time an extra RED hair rubber band I kept as a spare on my handlebar slipped down between the grip and the throttle housing. Great throttle lock ; )