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Prevent Melted Accessory Sockets

A Method To Prevent Melting Accessory Sockets

By: Brian Curry <>

There have been a few reports of melted accessory sockets/plugs, and the resultant cold riders. :(:( I think I know why. I just had a socket come apart when I tried to take the socket wiring connection off.

Looking closely at the threaded metal body, there is a small punched hole in the unthreaded area. The hole should be right over the ground connection, you can see running along the side. That punched hole is the ELECTRICAL CONNECTION!!! I found a matching hole or punched area, in the ground strap right at the end.

Not a very good one electrical connection IMO. Or at least an electrical connection that is not too dependable in the long term. Just a little bit of corrosion, or the ground connection shifting in the shell when you take off or put on the electrical connection can produce a high resistance joint. Besides cutting way down on the vest/jacket/suit heat, a lot of heat is generated at the socket which can melt it. :(:(

What I do, is solder the ground strap connection to the accessory socket metal body shell. You will need a good sized soldering iron, or IMO, it is better to use a soldering gun. You need to get the shell hot enough that it will take solder.

First I tin a small spot on the shell. Don’t put so much solder on the shell that you cannot thread the holding nut on and off. Then I tin the ground strap and solder bridge that tinned area to the one on the shell.

When you solder onto the ground connection strap, don’t melt the plastic. It is easy to melt it. The strap is captured in a slot in the plastic body. If you melt enough of it, the strap will fall out. I usually only singe it a bit near the metal body shell.

The solder bridge does not have a lot of strength. You can shear it and then have to redo it while tightening the holding nut if you hold the plastic body. Don’t. Hold it on the socket opening side.

Ride in warmth with good connections.

This is applicable to accessory sockets on R’s, K’s, and R11’s.

Brian Curry, 1990 Blue K75RTs both coasts, Chester Springs, PA, USA

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