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Fix for Wobbly Instrument Pod

Wobbly K Instruments – Fix

From: Don Eilenberger
November 1996

It all went back together very easily, but now, the slightest jarring of the bike (while riding) causes a wiggle somewhere between the mambo and the macarena.

This is my first K75 so I just want to know — Is this normal?

Yup. That’s how mine was also on the K100RT – and it was so distracting I took two steps to dampen it a bit:

1. My usual self-adhesive foam tape between the instrument pod and the mounting plate.. a bit at top and a bit at the bottom, mebbe 1/2″ wide x 3″ long each.

2. An external high-compressibility, low vibration transmitting damper assembly.. consisting of a piece of foam rubber about 1/2″ think, 3″ long, 3/4″ wide under the front edge of the pod between it and the switch gear pad.. it went in real nicely and stays where I put it ’cause it was an extra that came with some helmet I bought, where you were supposed to velcro[tm] it in place. Well, I did – I velcro’d it to the bottom of the pod.

These two steps cured the wiggle. As you know – it can be very distracting.

Don Eilenberger
Spring Lk Hts, NJ, USA

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